How to Screenshot on Windows

A Guide for Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11

Capturing screenshots on Windows is an essential skill for many users. Whether you’re dealing with Microsoft Windows 10 or the newer Windows 11, the process can vary slightly. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to screenshot on Windows, complete with images to help you understand each step clearly.

An in-depth guide on how to screenshot in Windows, including Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11

1. Using the Print Screen (PrtScn) Button

The most universal method across all versions of Windows, including Windows 10 and Windows 11, is the Print Screen key.

  • Locate the ‘PrtScn’ button on your keyboard. It’s typically right above the ‘Insert’ key.
  • Pressing ‘PrtScn’ captures the entire screen. The screenshot is copied to your clipboard and can be pasted (Ctrl + V) into any image editor, document, or other programs.
  • For capturing only the active window, press ‘Alt + PrtScn’. This will capture just the window you have open and active.

2. Snipping Tool: A Built-In Tool for More Flexibility

The Snipping Tool has been a part of Windows for a long time and is still available in Windows 10. However, in Windows 11, it’s been updated and renamed to ‘Snip & Sketch’.

Windows 10:

  • Search for ‘Snipping Tool’ in the Start menu.
  • Open the tool and click ‘New’ to start a capture. You can choose from different snip types like rectangular, free-form, window, and full-screen.
  • After capturing, you can annotate the screenshot using the pen or highlighter tools within the Snipping Tool.

Windows 11:

  • Press ‘Shift + Windows Key + S’ to activate the Snip & Sketch tool.
  • Select the type of snip you want to make (rectangular, freeform, window, or full screen).
  • Once captured, the screenshot will copy to the clipboard and a notification will appear. Clicking on this notification will open the Snip & Sketch window where you can annotate and save the screenshot.

3. Using Windows Key + Print Screen for Saving Directly

For those who need to save a screenshot directly without editing:

  • Press ‘Windows Key + PrtScn’. Your screen will briefly dim to indicate a successful screenshot.
  • Screenshots taken this way are automatically saved in the ‘Pictures’ folder, under ‘Screenshots’.

4. Xbox Game Bar: For Gamers and More

The Xbox Game Bar is another built-in feature of Microsoft Windows, ideal for gamers but useful for general users as well.

  • Activate it by pressing ‘Windows Key + G’.
  • Click the camera icon or press ‘Windows + Alt + PrtScn’ to capture the screen.
  • Screenshots are saved to the ‘Videos’ folder, under ‘Captures’.

5. Third-Party Software Options

If you need more advanced features, numerous third-party applications are available that offer enhanced functionality for capturing screenshots. These tools often include features like delayed captures, extensive annotation tools, and direct upload options.

We hope this helps you take a screenshot on your Windows Computer!

Knowing how to screenshot on Windows is a handy tool in your tech toolkit, whether for capturing bugs, saving important information, or creating guides like this one. With multiple built-in tools and third-party options, Windows 10 and Windows 11 make it easier than ever to capture and share what’s on your screen.

Remember, as Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Microsoft has embraced this by providing multiple simple ways to capture screenshots, ensuring that users can easily accomplish this task without needing complex tools.